Track Code
Track Chairs
Dr. Brigitte Weiffen
Prof. Paulina Pospieszna
RC34 - Quality of Democracy wants to cast new light on the empirical analysis of quality of democracy and wants to provide scholars with a new “space” in which they can meet and share methodological and empirical works aiming to deep our understanding of the mechanisms that lead democratic processes, such as changes, subversions, anchoring, etc.
- RC34.20 Authoritarian legacies and the rise of the radical right
Chair: Dr. Brigitte Weiffen - RC34.07 Authoritarian practices and democratic decline
Chair: Dr. Seraphine F. Maerz - RC34.09 Civic Techs and Quality of Democracy: Resisting Autocratization in Polarized Societies
Chair: Dr. José Veríssimo Romão Netto - RC34.21 Civil Society and Resistance to Autocratization
- RC34.14 Democracy and Human Rights in Transition: Emerging Challenges and Local Responses
Chair: Prof. Da-Chi Liao - RC34.03 Democracy in Latin America: Between Regression and Resilience
Chair: Prof. José Álvaro Moisés - RC34.01 Democracy Promotion in Times of Autocratization
Chair: Prof. Paulina Pospieszna - RC34.13 Democratic citizenship in contemporary societies: Individual norms, policy perspectives, and educational responses
Chair: Prof. Frank Reichert - RC34.02 Democratic Resilience: Institutions and Strategies
Chair: Prof. Marianne Kneuer - RC34.12 Different factors that result in (or prevent) democracy backsliding
Chair: Dr. Jou Fei Huang - RC34.24 Dynamics of Autocratization
- RC34.25 Elections and the Quality of Democracy
- RC34.19 Emergence of New Nationalisms and Authoritarianism in Twenty-First Century: A Comparative Study
Chair: Dr. Mohammad Tarique Anwar - RC34.18 From Trump to Modi: Interrogating the Rise of New Nationalisms, Authoritarianism and Populism
Chair: Mr. Md Aftab Alam - RC34.26 India Between Democracy and Autocracy
Chair: Dr. Saumya Tewari - RC34.15 Intersectionality and Participatory Deliberative Democracy: Building Inclusive and Equitable Participatory Spaces
Chair: Ms. Sonia Bussu - RC34.22 Issues and Challenges in Established Democracies
Chair: Mr. Lukas Lemm - RC34.17 Issues of Democratic Participation: Elections and Governance Across World Geographic Regions
Chair: Prof. Dianne Pinderhughes - RC34.08 New Perspectives on Democratic Resilience: How to Build Back Better
Chair: Dr. Rachel Beatty Riedl - RC34.16 Participation in the 21st Century City: Buenos Aires, Lyon, New York, and São Paulo
Chair: Dr. Benjamin Goldfrank - RC34.05 Political Inequality in Contemporary Democracies: Causes, Consequences and Questions of Measurement.
Chair: Mr. Viriato Queiroga - RC34.27 Populism as a Challenge to Democracy
- RC34.04 Resisting Against Autocratization to Save Democracy: Special Reference to Developing Countries
Chair: Prof. Himanshu Bourai - RC34.10 Strengthening Democracy through Education
Chair: Prof. Leif Kalev - RC34.23 The Dangers of Digitalization for Democracy
- RC34.11 The Emergence of Authoritarianism and Populist Regimes: Critical Reflections
Chair: Mr. Md Aftab Alam - RC34.06 What happens after Democratic Erosion? Analyzing Post-Erosion Trajectories of Democratic Reconstruction
Chair: Prof. Marianne Kneuer