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Anti-harassment Policy: Code of Conduct and Ombudspersons

The purpose of this document is to provide an authoritative statement of the expectations for conduct for all who participate in IPSA meetings and congresses. The code of conduct is a natural outcome of IPSA’s commitment to maintaining and promoting a professional environment at its meetings and other organized activities, and it is guided by the conviction that the advancement of knowledge flourishes most readily in an atmosphere of constructive debate in which all members treat each another with dignity and respect.

WC2025 Ombudspersons

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Francesca Longo (IPSA Executive Committee member, Italy) and Min Hee Go (WC2025 Local Organizing Committee member, South Korea) as ombudspersons for the 2025 IPSA World Congress of Political Science.

The ombudspersons will be available prior to and during the IPSA World Congress in Seoul to serve as confidential and impartial resources to address any concerns or issues related to the IPSA World Congress. If you have a question, need guidance, or wish to report a concern regarding the Congress, please contact

The IPSA Ombudspersons play an important part in supporting IPSA’s Anti-Harassment Policy: Code of Conduct and ensuring that all participants enjoy a respectful and dignified atmosphere during the event. The responsibilities include receiving and addressing complaints, issuing notices for policy violations, conducting confidential investigations with input from all parties involved, and recommending resolutions to the IPSA Executive Committee.

View the Anti-harassment Policy: Code of Conduct (PDF)

To file a complaint, please write to