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Covered in this section:

Panel Proposal Key Dates

10 JUL 2024Call for Panels Opens
28 AUG 2024Deadline to Submit an Open Panel
28 AUG 2024Review of Open Panel Proposals Begins
09 SEP 2024Deadline to Review Open Panel Proposals for Track Chairs
10 SEP 2024Call for Papers Opens
05 NOV 2024Deadline to Submit a Closed Panel
14 NOV 2024Review of Paper and Panel Proposals Begins
28 NOV 2024Deadline to Review Papers (and complete panels) for Panel Convenors
12 DEC 2024Deadline to Review Papers and Closed Panels for Track Chairs
10 JAN 2025Deadline to Review Papers and Panels for Program Chairs (final review)
22 JAN 2025Proposal Acceptance/Rejection Notifications (sent by e-mail to the individual who submitted the proposal)
Registration Opens
20 MAR 2025Early Bird Registration Deadline
08 MAY 2025Deadline to edit panel proposals and add chairs and discussants
08 MAY 2025Final Registration Deadline
Participants not registered are withdrawn from the Congress Program
20 JUN 2025Full Paper Upload Deadline
12-16 JUL 2025Congress Dates

Rules for Participation

Panel proposals can be submitted to a relevant track. The three track groups are:

  • Research Committee (RC) Tracks
  • General (GL) Tracks
  • Local Organizing Committee (LOC) Tracks

View Tracks Open to Submissions

  1. Anyone can submit a panel proposal. An IPSA online account (free) is required in order to submit a proposal. While IPSA membership is not required for submission, it is mandatory for participation and registration for the World Congress.
  2. A panel may be proposed to two (2) tracks.
  3. Each panel lasts 1 hour and 45 minutes and should include a title, a description, 1 chair, 1-2 discussant(s) and 4-6 papers.
  4. There are two (2) options to submit a panel proposal: 
    • Open Panel = Submitted without papers and open to paper submissions
      A panel that is submitted by the convenor without papers, with an appointed chair, co-chair and discussant(s). Once the panel is accepted, it will be open to paper submissions. The convenor (proposer) is responsible for reviewing all submitted paper abstracts in order to complete the panel.
      An open panel proposal should include a title, a description, 1 chair, 1-2 discussant(s).
    • Closed panel = Closed for paper submissions to the general public (submissions by invitation only)
      Pre-organized and complete panel that already has an appointed chair(s) and discussant(s) and 4-6 papers. The panel convenor (proposer) is responsible for sending invitations to the authors (papergivers) and accepting all paper abstracts submitted to the panel.
      A closed panel proposal should include a title, a description, 1 chair, 1-2 discussant(s) and 4-6 submitted papers.
      Panelists in closed panels may present in another language, provided that all panel members agree. Only one other language (other than English, French or Korean in the case of LOC panels) should be used in the closed panel and not multiple languages.
  5. Panel proposals should strive to ensure a balanced representation of panelists in terms of region, gender and stage of career, in accordance with IPSA's Mission Statement. All-male panel proposals are not permitted.
  6. The panel convenor (panel organizer) will act as the panel reviewer and is responsible for accepting or rejecting any paper abstracts submitted to the panel. A minimum of four (4) and a maximum of six (6) papers should be accepted in the panel by the end of the review period.
  7. The convenor is responsible for appointing a chair and a discussant and for replacing these in case of cancellations. The convenor may act as a chair, co-chair or discussant in the panel. The convenor may also present a paper in the panel.
  8. All papers for the panel must be submitted separately by the authors in their individual IPSA online account. The panel convenor cannot submit or upload papers on behalf of authors (papergivers).
  9. To maximize participation, individual appearances are limited to one appearance in the program in each role. No individual may appear more than once in each of these roles:
    • Chair or co-chair of a panel
    • Discussant on a panel
    • Papergiver (main author or co-author): May appear twice - once as main author and once as co-author. If two paper proposals are accepted, only one will be included in the final program, and the other(s) will be rejected. The author may choose which proposal to keep in the program.

Guidelines for Panel Proposals

To complete an open panel proposal, convenors (organizers) are required to:

  • Include a title and a description
  • Add a chair, co-chair (optional) and 1-2 discussant(s)

To complete a closed panel proposal, convenors (organizers) are required to:

  • Include a title and a description
  • Add a chair, co-chair (optional) and 1-2 discussant(s)
  • Send the unique paper submission link to 4-6 papergivers to submit their paper abstract.

The chair, co-chair and discussant cannot be the same person. More than one discussant may be added, but please keep in mind that there must be enough time during the panel for questions.

ALL panel members must be signed up for a free IPSA website account in order to be included as a chair, co-chair or discussant in the panel proposal. Panels submitted with a description only will be viewed as incomplete.

Open panel or closed panel?

In the open panel, the convenors (organizer) accept papers which were submitted via the general call for papers. In the closed panel, the convenors already recruited their paper presenters and will send them a panel specific link to submit their papers.


Panel proposals in English or French may be submitted to any track. Panel proposals in Korean may only be submitted to the LOC tracks. 

The general requirement for oral presentations at the Congress is that they be delivered in one of the official IPSA languages, English and French, or in the official language of the Local Organizing Committee (LOC), in the case of the upcoming 2025 World Congress, Korean.

However, in order to promote greater inclusivity and enrich our academic discussions, we are pleased to introduce a new policy for the IPSA World Congress that allows participants in closed panels to present in another language, provided that all panel members agree. Note that only one other language (other than English, French or Korean in the case of LOC panels) should be used in the closed panel and not multiple languages. It is important to remember that all paper and panel submissions must still be written in English, French, or Korean if submitted to LOC tracks.

Presentation Format 

Each panel lasts 1 hour and 45 minutes. Individual presentations must be made in-person in no more than 15 minutes. Remote (online/virtual) presentations are not permitted.

Panel Title
  • The title cannot exceed 25 words.
  • Review your use of language.  Use a spell-checker to make sure you have not made any mistakes. 
  • Do not use ALL CAPS and Capitalize titles in English as per the example below:

β˜‘Politics in the Age of Transboundary Crises
β˜’Politics in the age of transboundary crises

Panel Description
  • The description must not exceed 350 words.
  • Do not include references, bibliographical notes, or your contact information in the abstract text.
  • Review your use of language. Use a spell-checker to make sure you have not made any mistakes.
Balanced Representation of Panelists

Panel proposals should strive for regional and gender balance and​ include younger scholars, in accordance with the diversity policy in IPSA's Mission Statement. As such, all-male panel proposals are not permitted.

Submit a Panel Proposal

Submit a Panel