Track CodeLOC16Track ChairsProf. Euiyoung KimDr. Hiroki MiuraPanels organized by the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education (SMOE).Panels Democracy and Civic Education: RoundtableChair: Prof. Euiyoung Kim Innovative Civic Education: Asian PerspectiveChair: Prof. So Young Lee Innovative Civic Education: Global PerspectiveChair: Prof. Taedong Lee 독일 보이텔스바흐와 한국 교육에의 시사점 Insights from the Experiences of Beutelsbach, Germany for Korean Civic Education 민주시민교육과 민주시민교육의 합의 모델 : 열린 시민교육의 가능성 탐색 Democratic Civic Education and Consensus Models: Exploring the Possibilities of Open Civic Education