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Neera Chandhoke

Neera Chandhoke Photo
Honorary Distinguished Fellow
Centre for Equity Studies

Plenary Title: Resisting Legal Autocracy in South Asia

Date: Wednesday, 16 July 2024


Neera Chandhoke, Distinguished Fellow, Centre for Equity Studies, Delhi. Formerly Professor of Political Science, University of Delhi. She has written widely on civil society, secularism, revolutionary violence, democracy and the constitution. Her latest publications are We, The People, And Our Constitution, Delhi, Speaking Tiger 2023, Nelson Mandela: Peace Through Reconciliation, Routledge 2022, Violence in Our Bones: Mapping the Deadly Fault Lines Within Indian Society, Aleph, 2021, Rethinking Pluralism, Secularism and Tolerance: Anxieties of Coexistence, Delhi Sage Publishers 2019, Democracy and Revolutionary Politics, London, Bloomsbury, 2015, Contested Secessions; Rights, Self-Determination, Democracy and Kashmir, Delhi, Oxford University Press, 2012, Conceits of Civil Society, Delhi, Oxford University Press, 2009, Beyond Secularism: The Rights of Religious Minorities, Delhi Oxford University Press, 1999, State and Civil Society: Explorations in Political Theory, Delhi, Sage Publishers, 1995. She regularly writes for newspapers and online news portals. She is currently working on The Political Vocabularies of Freedom in India.