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Artificial Intelligence and Democracy

Panel Code
Closed Panel

Innovation and effective use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies play an important role in today's society, but critical questions remain about their potential use and impact on society, and in particular on democracy. It is therefore necessary to foster the debate on which AI technology might be appropriate for each of the key challenges to democratic governance, and to identify and link the challenges to democratic governance to specific AI technologies that have the potential to be used in applications related to those challenges.
Despite the substantial progress made in recent years, there is still the conviction that the exploration of this field is still at an early stage. Furthermore, there is no conference track or meeting dedicated to this topic and related areas. It is therefore important to create a space dedicated to exchanging experiences and discussing the advances and results of research in this field and to clarify the relationship between democracy and Artificial Intelligence.
The panel will address specific issues related to the use of AI and technologies and their social and ethical impacts, such as transparency, fairness, truth, auditing and control, AI and the democratic public sphere, elections, AI and intelligence-enhanced public services/administration, media and communications, education, health and justice. In addition, It will also focus on AI power concentration and democracy.

Onsite Presentation Language
Same as proposal language
Panel ID