- A Decay of the Elites’ Representativeness?
Chair: Prof. Luca Verzichelli - African Sense-making and Perspectives on the US Elections and Politics
Chair: Prof. Christopher Isike - Authoritarian Rule: State Capture or New Model of Governance in CEE?
Chair: Prof. Stefan Garsztecki - Biopolitique et syndrome néoautoritaire au Maghreb
Chair: Prof. Abdelhamid Benkhattab - Changing or Disappearing? The Left around the World Today.
Chair: Prof. Jean-Michel De Waele - In Search of a New Developmental State in the Global South: From Authoritarianism to Democratic Populism to the "Green State"
Chair: Dr. Daniel Ogbaharya - Incivility in Parliaments: Empirical and Normative Perspectives
Chair: Dr. Matteo Bonotti - Politics in Personalist Autocracies
Chair: Prof. Esther Song - Resisting Autocratization in Latin America: hopes, perils and cases
Chair: Dr. John Polga-Hecimovich - Resisting contemporary autocracies: the role of cultural actors
Chair: Dr. Caterina Preda - The Functions of Political Parties in the Era of Representation Crisis
Chair: Dr. Hirokazu Kikuchi - The Politics of Polarized Societies in Latin America and the Caribbean
Chair: Prof. Bert Hoffmann - The Shackles of the Past? How Authoritarian Successor Parties Shape Political and Economic Dynamics in Nascent Democracies
Chair: Dr. Huang-Ting Yan - Unlocking Democracy: The Power of Information in Polarized Times
Chair: Prof. Mireille Manga