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"The Role of Civil Society in Resisting Autocratization in a Polarized India"

Open Panel

India, the world's largest democracy, is currently facing the dual threats of increasing polarization and rising autocratization. Autocratization, characterized by the gradual erosion of democratic norms and institutions, poses a significant challenge to the country’s democratic framework. This phenomenon is exacerbated by growing societal polarization, particularly along religious and ideological lines, which has been strategically exploited to consolidate power, undermine opposition, and weaken democratic checks and balances.
This article explores the dynamics of autocratization in the Indian context, focusing on how polarization is used to stifle dissent, restrict media freedom, and compromise the independence of the judiciary. It examines the role of civil society as a critical force in resisting autocratic tendencies, highlighting the efforts of civil society organizations, the media, and grassroots movements in holding the government accountable and promoting democratic values. Additionally, the article emphasizes the importance of strengthening India’s democratic institutions, advocating for judicial independence, electoral transparency, and media autonomy as essential components of a resilient democracy.
In conclusion, the article argues that safeguarding India’s democracy requires a comprehensive strategy that addresses both the symptoms and root causes of polarization and autocratization. By reinforcing democratic institutions, fostering inclusive governance, and promoting a culture of pluralism, India can counteract the autocratic drift and preserve its democratic integrity in an increasingly polarized society.

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