Politics and religion should be kept apart. However, democracy and religion need not be incompatible and can be valid partners. By tackling societal problems, the authorities can remove many of the causes of religious extremism. Education is the key way to combat ignorance, stereotypes and misunderstanding of religions. The plaintiffs in recent religious liberty litigation are very different from plaintiffs in earlier cases. They are not marginalized or politically powerless. They seek to return the country to its conservative roots, rather than to escape the dominant liberal mindset. But their success has come at a cost to their own deep commitments. The communal aspect of religious social behaviour increases political interest and trust in institutions, which in turn typically lead to more support for democracy. The role of religion is better understood when not limited to institutions and political parties. In this sense, it is part of the civic and national culture, and requires a more historical and dialogic approach to religion and politics than the scope of this special issue.
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Closed Panel
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