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The Politics and Management of Government Agencies and Independent Bodies

Open Panel

This panel welcomes research from any part of the world that addresses functions of bureaucratic politics and management of sub-ordinated government agencies, independent commissions or boards and non-majoritarian political institutions at supra-national, national or sub-national levels. This interaction between between politics and administration has consistently received high currency in the study of comparative public administration, particular under the rubric of agencification. In view of more recent developments and challenges, this panel invites research into questions of functional politicization, trends in appointments, organizational and individual behavior of agencies, independent bodies and their staff.
Against this background, this panel encourages participation from a broad range of theoretical and methodological perspectives and invites research, whether theoretical or empirical in nature, that advances our understanding of the politics and management of national (and sub-national) agencies, commissions, advisory boards or independent non-majoritarian political bodies.

Onsite Presentation Language
Same as proposal language
Panel ID