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Political Experts and Freedom of Expression in the Media: Who Shapes Public Opinion and How?


The aim of this panel is to discuss who qualifies as a political expert and how we should determine the validity, scientific rigor, and legitimacy of their positions in late-modern societies. Our central question is who ought to set these standards—public organizations, the media, or the academic community represented by universities and research institutions.

Today, as Pierre Bourdieu observed, some countries are witnessing a struggle not for truth through open dialogue in the public political sphere but for group monopoly. As a result, we see how organizations that are supposed to protect freedom of expression sometimes limit experts' opportunities to voice their opinions, focusing not on truth-seeking but on reinforcing their own group status through labels and lists. It is expected that similar cases will also be discussed.

This panel will also address the conceptual question of who qualifies as a political expert. Participants will discuss how the political science community, by defending academic freedom and freedom of expression, can play a critical role in safeguarding the voice of political science in media and other public spheres worldwide.

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