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Institutional Pluralism as a Systemic Strength in the Time of Polarisation

Closed Panel

Polarisation is one of the key issues researched and observed in today's socio-political life. One of the main outcomes of polarization is the reduction of pluralism on most of the levels of political structure. A polarized society tends to gather around main adversaries which may lead to less and less diversity on the political spectrum as well as in institutions which then be treated as a Jacksonian trophy in the political struggle.

A contrary sustaining plurality of people in the political structure may lead to less polarized politics. Having diversity starting from the bottom e.g. within the employment structure of political and governmental institutions and ending at the top e.g. diverse political spectrum can be one of the leading factors in decreasing the level of polarity.

In this panel, we would like to discuss the value of diversity and plurality that may lead to a decrease in political polarization. We will look into the analysis of party systems, the composition of political and constitutional institutions, diversity and plurality factors in processes leading to filling up positions in second and third branch of the government.

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